Sunday 21 December 2014

Christmas Time is Here

Well, another bustling Christmas show season is finished and I've prepared for my family's Christmas in record time. I'm down to the last few details before we start the celebrations, and I can't wait. I love Christmas and spending time with my family. It also gives me an opportunity to enjoy some down time and the opportunity to enjoy some of my favourite things-watching movies, reading, napping and some creative projects. I purchased a pattern and the fabric to make a cape so this will be at the top of my list!
I also want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Hoping you all have a chance to relax and spend some time with loved ones. Looking forward to an absolutely fantastic 2015!!

Take care.....Marian  xo   

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Thanksgiving....A Time for Gratitude

..and the grand dames of the forest, the statuesque maples, donned their gowns of scarlet, crimson, and gold in preparations for the Great Autumn Ball....

It's my favourite time of year again! Fresh apples, squash and pears; and the gorgeously coloured leaves looking like they've been painted by the Old Masters. This weekend we celebrate Thanksgiving and it's a perfect time for me to look back over the past few months and give thanks for the wonderful experiences, opportunities and successes that have come my way.

In April I began a retail partnership with the Stratford Festival and have had great success selling my jewellery in their  Theatre Store. Krista Swetman and her staff are amazing and do an absolutely lovely job of displaying my pieces. I've been invited to continue selling my jewellery at their downtown Theatre Store, located next to the Avon Theatre on Downie Street, this upcoming Christmas season. I'm so excited to be able to extend my stay in Stratford and looking forward to creating many new pieces for gift giving or to treat yourself.

To celebrate my mother's birthday, I joined my sisters and Mom for a weekend trip to Niagara-on-the-Lake. This was a first for the four of us and we had a great time. Lots of shopping, laughter and great food--oh yeah, and a delicious bottle of Three Olives S'Mores Vodka (great with chocolate milk!) Here's hoping we have the opportunity to do it again....and again, and again!

Turning lemons into lemonade--unfortunately our truck broke down and started on fire while on our way to a huge outdoor show in Windsor in early June. Thankful that we weren't hurt and now have a new (to us) Hyundai Sante Fe....and a CAA membership!

The Home County Music and Art Festival took place in July, and this was one of my lifelong dreams accomplished. This turned out to be my first outdoor show and despite the "all day" showers on Saturday, I had a great weekend. I met so many fantastic people and had a chance to connect with old friends. The highlight of my weekend was being awarded with the 2014 Best Booth Design. Not bad for my first outdoor show!

I've also had the opportunity to spend the summer selling my romance&ruin creations at The Village Collective. It's a delightful shop in Sparta, ON set up as an artist's cooperative where we shared space, expenses and working in the shop. Thanks to Shelley McVittie and the other lovely artists. It was truly an opportunity to grow and expand my horizons!

This past weekend my husband and I travelled to the Bobcaygeon/Peterborough area (the foliage was spectacular) to attend the wedding of a dear friend. I was honoured to be asked to create the bride's birdcage veil and hand ornament, and it was a thrill to see her wearing my pieces-so lovely!! Congratulations Rebekah and Eric!

And last, but not least, we came home to find out that my daughter and her boyfriend got engaged over the weekend-congratulations and much love to you both, Jessica and Brent!

 Wishing you all a lovely Thanksgiving weekend, and hope that you all have many blessings to be thankful for. Surround yourself with loved ones and enjoy what promises to be a gorgeous weekend!

Take care.....Marian  xo     

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Vintage Patterns

I've been sewing since I was a kid and still recall some of my first projects. Making clothes for my kid sister's doll was my first experience at making clothes. No patterns, no purchased fabric...just some old dresses that my Mom was ready to part with, a measuring tape, a scissor and some pins. I remember taking measurements and drawing a pattern right onto the old dress. Crude, but it worked. I loved to sew and my sister loved dressing her doll in the new outfits. Admittedly some of the necklines were a little snug, and sleeves a little short, but the doll never complained and neither did sis!

As the years passed and I had two of my own little dolls to dress, I loved to making them outfits to wear for special occasions. When I started working I progressed to making some of my own outfits and even made a feminine tuxedo that I wore to a work Christmas party. And then I just stopped sewing. I don't remember when or why...just got busy with life I guess. There were some Hallowe'en costumes along the way, and some home decor projects, but it's been a long time since I've made any clothes for myself (or any dolls either).

During all of my trips to the fabric stores picking up material for my shop's hats, ties and handbags; the desire to sew has slowly creeped back in. The absolutely gorgeous fabrics are such a huge temptation.And then one day I stumbled across some vintage patterns and now all of the pieces have come together. I've purchased a few patterns and hope to add to my collection. I think they would make great birthday gifts (just in case any family members happen to read this). I've bought a few through ebay, an antique market, and also found an excellent shop on Etsy where you can download PDF versions of  patterns. Mrs. Depew, sells patterns of vintage clothing styles from the various decades. By using a condensed pattern, and a set of ruled guides that are included, you can duplicate the pattern in your size. You can find the shop on Etsy at  I have some lovely vintage fabric that dates back to the 80's that I'd love to use. Maybe the Mrs. Depew pattern below with an ivory collar and cuffs?

I also found a number of reproduction pattern and instructional booklets that show how to make vintage styles from the '20s. Women of the era were taught to sew, and using their own specific measurements, could draft their own patterns from the instructions given in the booklets. Claims that a "One Hour Dress" are possible are confirmed by past customers so I'm going to give it a try. I purchased the blue floral fabric in the picture and plan to use it for my own "One Hour Dress".

This last pattern was purchased on ebay. The 1920s era coat has buttons that are set at a drop waist height.  I love the silhouette and style and have decided on a dark brown jacquard velvet drapery fabric for a dramatic look. I'm considering a faux fur collar to complete the look. 

Some challenges ahead, but I can't wait to get started. I look forward to sharing my progress with you....wish me luck!

Take care.....Marian  xo     

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Waiting for Spring

Today is the first day of spring, but not according to the weather forecast which is calling for light snow. After what seems like the coldest and snowiest winter in a very long time, everyone is desperately waiting for signs of spring. I try very hard not to complain because I really do enjoy the four different seasons that we get to experience in Canada, but maybe in smaller doses (at least winter).  I haven't been very inspired to start any spring pieces, so opted to create some lovely cloches-cloches that will transition from winter into cool early spring days.

I had lot's of fun creating these cute styles in the different colours. All are made using velvet, with the exception of the first style, which is made from wool with a lace brim. Perfect for Easter or Mothers Day, all styles are available from my Etsy shop:

I'll be joining my friend Rebecca at her "Welcome Spring Open House" on April 5'th, 2014 with a number of other local creatives. I absolutely love doing open houses because they are more intimate and relaxed, giving everyone a chance to chat and enjoy a cup of tea and some goodies. Can't wait to introduce my new hats along with some lovely scarves and new necklaces. Check out my facebook page for details: .....and don't forget to think spring!!

Take care.....Marian  xo     

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Successes and Challenges

Last year was my first full year in business and I am over the moon with the results. The wonderful response and feedback has been overwhelming to say the least, and I am so excited about the next 11 months. Thanks so much to everyone who purchased my jewellery and accessories. It's a thrill knowing that one of my vintage style cloches is on it's way to Paris this May with a lovely young lady who has planned this trip for several years and can't wait to see the Eiffel Tower. Or the gorgeous young bride-to-be who couldn't decide between two pairs of earrings for her wedding day, so bought them both. You have all been so amazing and I can't wait to see what the year brings--I am truly blessed!

Now, that's not to say that I didn't have some disappointments along the way. But, I'm trying to use each less than stellar experience as a lesson. And if I keep my business hat on when making decisions, and not making them from an emotional level, I think I'll be moving in the right direction. It's tough declining a show organizer's invitation to come back next year even though she and her team were fantastic and the venue was lovely. I remind myself that it's a business and I have to continue growing, gaining exposure and seeking new opportunities if I want to continue. 

Over the past twelve months I've worked hard at developing my own unique style of repurposed jewellery and accessories, and creating a brand that customers will remember and recognize. When I started applying to craft shows I had some very definite ideas about how I wanted to display my jewellery and accessories. Some of those ideas were great in theory, but didn't always work out, particularly at outdoor back to the drawing board. For the most part, I think I have my major displays and booth design worked out. The last few things that still need some tweaking are some outdoor venue displays and a display for my vintage style hats....lots of great ideas on Pinterest that I may be able to put into use. The great news is that customers are starting to recognize my jewellery and displays from previous shows they've attended, and are stopping by to see what's new and shop.

Getting to know who my customer is has been another huge lesson for me. Making business plans around marketing methods and sales venues that will reach them is key for me.  This will mean making changes to some of the venues I've been using, and working on some consignment and wholesale opportunities in local shops.

I'm tugging my business hat down over my ears (of course, it's a velvet cloche business hat) and getting down to work. I'm notorious for always wanting to accomplish far more than any one person ever could, so my goal this year is to scale down my to-do list (personal and business) to a realistic length....focusing on quality not quantity....celebrating the accomplishments and not constantly being discouraged by all of the things I have left to do. This will definitely be my biggest challenge this year!

Take care.....Marian  xo     

Sunday 5 January 2014

Saying Goodbye

 Losing a beloved pet is something that we will all likely experience at one time or another. And although we understand that their time with us will come to an end at some point, it's never easy to let them go.
 Our family recently said goodbye to one of our darling little dogs, Gracie. We were all devastated to lose her, and never imagined being so heartbroken by her loss. She captured our hearts from the time those four little white paws hit the floor, and this spirited little diva kept us amused with all of her antics for the past ten years. She was a little spitfire; with a mischievous attitude and a playful heart, entertaining us every day. Never too ashamed to play with a cat toy (an orange mouse who was the perfect size for her!), or beg for belly rubs, or fall head over heels for a little stuffed purple elephant-never a dull moment with Gracie in the house!

In January of 2013 she was diagnosed with diabetes and Cushing's disease, and since we already had another dog with the same challenges who coped just fine, we were determined to see her through her tough spell. The Cushing's disease caused complications, and during this time Gracie also lost her sight. Our vet reassured us that many dogs manage just fine without their sight, and usually take 4-6 weeks to adapt to their surroundings. So our feisty little darling slowly regained her health, managed to find her way around the house, and even enjoyed our evening walks with her big brother Theodore.

By early December we noticed a sharp decline in her. Tests confirmed that the Cushing's disease was taking its toll on her organs and that her health was deteriorating quickly. We decided to take Gracie home to spend a few last days with her and on the 12'th we said our final goodbye.
I wasn't sure if I would have the strength to go through with it, but my husband and I held her in our arms wrapped in her favourite blanket as she left us peacefully. Initially there was such a sense of relief to see her suffering end, but the tears and pain quickly caught up with us, and we were lost for the next few days.

With less than two weeks left to get ready for Christmas (including our shopping and decorating), we were forced to carry on which in many ways may have been a blessing. We're also grateful to still have our second dog Theodore, who's doing just fine, being smothered with loads of love and attention. His sweet little face has been the best therapy for our broken hearts.

On Christmas eve, our daughter Patricia also surprised us with this beautiful shadow box to help us remember our darling Gracie.



The verse is lovely, and although we cried when we read it, seeing Gracie's sweet little face peaking out from the frame helps us remember the joy she brought to our lives.
We've decided to keep the box on the mantle in our living room, her favourite room for napping and sunbathing....and cuddling with us.
The perfect way to keep her close.

Take care.....Marian  xo